Monthly Archives: 九月 2007

aiik people – BAPTISTE

My name is Baptiste. I moved to Paris about a year ago when I started working. I quickly got involved with the aiik project. Looking for cool things, watching fashion and trends move, digging into urban art and urban style, we want to take a big picture of whats going on. I live next to the very trendy Etienne Marcel street where every day I can see that a lot is happening. 


I have had the chance to travel a lot in my life and have lived in many different countries, but now its time to think about the future!


I work in fashion, mainly doing marketing. I spend a lot of time watching and studying what’s been done by other companies so I guess I’ll be able to help out on the aiik project. And honestly, I just love the idea of being part of such a project


For a career in fashion, Paris seems to be a nice place to start with. So, look around, you might find me in a café at the end of the street.




Trained by his wandering experiments of the urban life, Cyril Anguelidis, a plastics technician, graphic designer and urban digital illustrator, gets inspirations from the heart of New York city, Bombay and Paris, with the energy of the megalopoles – excessive and exciting. His rough esthetics, electric colors and generous curves testify his extravagance. His pieces of work relate a lot to current society. He impregnates the discussions of life and environment.

Exhibition is open until Saturday 30 September 2007.  Don’t miss it!!

Exhibition free entry
From Tuesday to Saturday, 13h – 20h
Dorothy’s gallery
Address : 27, rue Keller, Paris 75011
Metro : Bastille ( n
°1,5,8 ) / Voltaire ( n°9 )


Paris & city



Edit: Chaochi

aiik people – FANGLU

My name is Fang Lu. I come from Taiwan and live in Seville, Spain.  I’m a professional artist & photographer, and I’m a Hyperrealist painter.  At the moment, I’m preparing my first solo exhibition which will be launched in a British gallery in Spain in 2009. I’m also passionate about singing baroque music, as a countertenor in the church choir.

It’s been a long time since I started thinking seriously about art and my life.  In Taiwan things change very fast. It’s hard to slow down your steps and to observe things in detail. So I decided to make a change to a new environment – Spain!!  It has a great atmosphere and environment for those who love the arts.  It’s also interesting to learn things and see the differences to my own culture and my home country.

I first met aiik people in 2006 in Paris when I visited some friends there.  I thought they were COOL!! So I am happy to participate in the aiik project.  I will do some photography for aiik, and you will see my wild arty image in some aiik products.  Hope you like them!


Kasia’s expo in book store

I have the rare honor to invite you to an exhibiton of photos  I took in Paris last year. Hopefully you won’t recognize yourselves in any of them.

Address: Mala Litera, Traugutta 9, Lodz, Poland
