Monthly Archives: 七月 2010

Deva aiiks taking photos

Deva took some photos of her brother,Eason.  We really like the colors. so pretty~

Eason was in do you aiik? t-shirt.

Stillness Is The Move – Dirty Projectors

This is a great music video, and the llamas are so cute!  🙂

Directed by Matthew Lessner
Produced by Justin Lundstrom
Cinematography by Adam Newport Berra
Greencard Pictures

BAGGU – What Annie Wears

Annie is a sweet girl living in Vancouver and Taipei. She loves guitar and roadtrips. sunshine and the beach. cupcakes and coffee. indie music and foreign films…

She took a walk with Baggu on a cozy afternoon.  They look so cute!

To know more about Annie, check out .

do you aiik Bali?

Baggu is definitely perfect for a summer holiday in Bali. So cute so colorful!